Poolife® NST® Prime Tablets

Poolife® NST® Prime Tablets

Regular price $72.99
Size: 9 lbs
A sanitizer that lasts for days! With its unique octagon shape, these extended release tablets use a proprietary slow-dissolving Cal Hypo technology. What’s more, it does all this without adding

    A sanitizer that lasts for days! With its unique octagon shape, these extended release tablets use a proprietary slow-dissolving Cal Hypo technology. What’s more, it does all this without adding any Cyanuric Acid (CYA) to your pool water.

    • Step 1 of the NST® System

    • For use in skimmers and with the Poolife® NST® Prime Feeder. Follow Poolife® NST® Feeder operating manual for specific tablet use.

    • Skimmer basket must be free of all other water treatment products before adding tablet(s).

    • Place the tablet(s) in the empty skimmer basket. Replace with a new tablet as needed.

    • For optimum product performance, swimmer comfort and crystal clear water, always maintain pH from 7.2 – 7.6, total alkalinity from 60-120 ppm, calcium hardness above 200 ppm and free available chlorine residual between 1-4 ppm.

    • Best used with Poolife® NST® Purify Oxidizer and Poolife® NST® Patrol Algaecide.

    • Compatible with chlorine, salt chlorine generators, ozone and mineral systems.

    Active ingredient: Calcium Hypochlorite (Cal Hypo)

      AVAILABLE SIZES: 4 lbs. / 10 lbs. / 20.6 lbs. / 44 lbs.